Navagraha(Nine Planets) in Jyotish

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Navagraha(Nine Planets) in Jyotish

According to Vedic Astrology, the planets (Navagraha) are relay stations for the reception and transmission of stellar energies. In Vedic Astrology, the seven major or visible planets are normally listed in order of the days they rule: Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Satutday.These seven planets along with the shadowy planets Rahu and Ketu are called as NAVAGRAHA in Vedic Astrology (Jyotish). All the principles and theories of jyotish or vedic astrology is based on the planetary positions and house position of Navagraha.

Order of Navagraha

Of the Navagraha, the Sun and the Moon, as the two luminaries are most important. Next in importance are Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as the major planets beyond the orbit of the earth. Then come Venus and Mercury as the major planets within the orbit of Earth and therefore always close to the Sun.
The Lunar nodes, north and south, called Raghu and Kethu, regarded as shadowy or secondary planets, are of yet less importance.

Navagraha and the Qualities of Nature

The Navagraha are generally given the three qualities as follows:

Sattva Sun, Moon and Jupiter
Rajas Mercury and Venus
Tamas Mars and Saturn (also Rahu and Ketu)

Elements of the Navagraha

The traditional association of elements and navagraha in Vedic Astrology are as follows:

Space Jupiter
Air Saturn and Rahu
Fire Sun, Mars and Ketu
Water Moon and Venus
Earth Mercury

Navagraha Natures – Benefic and Malefic

In Vedic Astrology navagraha give their results depending upon the benefic and malefic nature. The nature or prakriti of Navagraha is as follows:

Greater Benefic Jupiter
Lesser Benefic Venus
Genaral Benefic Moon and Mercury
Greater Malefic Saturn and Rahu
Lesser Malefic Mars and Ketu
General Malefic Sun

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