கும்பகோணம், மயிலாடுதுறை மற்றும் காரைக்காலைச் சுற்றி ஒன்பது நவக்கிரக கோவில்கள் அமைந்துள்ளன. ஒன்பது நவக்கிரக கோவில்கள் சரியான நேரத்தில் கோவிலை சென்றடைய ஒரே நாளில் எந்த வழியில் தரிசனம் செய்கிறோம் என்று பார்ப்போம். கும்பகோணம் பேருந்து நிலையத்தில் இருந்து
Divya Desam (Sanskrit: दिव्यदेशम्, Tamil: திவ்ய தேசம்) refers to the 108 revered temples dedicated to Vishnu and Lakshmi, as mentioned in the hymns of the Alvars, the poet-saints
TNSTC to run Navagraha temple service buses daily. There are Navagraha temples around Kumbakonam. A large number of devotees from not only Tamil Nadu but also from outside
According to some, Navagraha Puja and Homam have many benefits, including: Health: Increases strength, health, and prosperity Mental peace: Brings beauty, mental peace, and excellent control over your
Navagraha worship is also found in Jainism as in Hinduism. Jains compare and classify Navagrahas with the characteristics of their Tirthankaras. Planets – Tirthankaras Wednesday – Mallinathar Shukran
Gayatri Mantras of 27 stars Your star Gayatri mantra learn and say once daily for at least 9 time. ‘Find the best improvement in life. Ashwini Om sveta
The term Navagraha denotes the nine celestial bodies which are central to astrological calculations (and beliefs) (and not the nine planets as it is frequently erroneously translated). The
Graha (from Sanskrit ग्रह gráha — seizing, laying hold of, holding) is a ‘cosmic influencer’ on the living beings of mother Bhumadevi (earth). In Hindu Astrology, the Navagraha
Navagraha(Nine Planets) in Jyotish According to Vedic Astrology, the planets (Navagraha) are relay stations for the reception and transmission of stellar energies. In Vedic Astrology, the seven major
The Srivaishnava shrines that were sung by divine saints called Azhvars who lived in Southern part of India in this Kali Yuga are called as Divya Desams. There